no Plastica: returns “NO MORE PLASTIC BAGS” the Egadi

An eco-shopper to replace the plastic bags killer of the seas.

For the second consecutive year, OCEANUS Campaign against plastic bags back in the Egadi Islands, in collaboration with the Marine Protected Area "Egadi Islands" and the Municipality of Favignana.

The exclusive new cotton bags, They will be distributed free to citizens and tourists at the Marine Protected sites.

Countryside “No More Plastic Bags”, OCEAN gods onlus, He received the moral patronage of the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea. The project is funded by the Marine Protected own 'Egadi Islands' and bags, already in production, They are going to be delivered on the island.

The campaign turns the spotlight on marine life in the Mediterranean, being increasingly threatened by plastic, and to raise awareness to protect the environment as much careful and sustainable. No coincidence that the Marine Protected Area 'Egadi Islands' and the Municipality of Favignana, also they supported the project Plastic, designed to clean up the beaches from the plastic from the sea Levanzo, Marettimo e Favignana, with the aim of creating an art installation with the material recovered plastic.

"Plastic waste and abandoned at sea, - explains the President of the AMP and Mayor of Favignana, Giuseppe Pagoto – risk being, and often they are, ingested by dolphins, tuna and sea turtles, revealing silent killers of our environment. For this we are intensifying our efforts for a proper waste management on our islands, and to increase awareness of the citizens of this great problem ".

Press release

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